World Porridge Day Starts Now! Find Out More About This Healthy Holiday

Established in 2009 by the Golden Spurtle World Porridge Making Competition World Porridge Day is an annual event run by the Scottish Charity 'Mary's Meals', when the charity also takes the time to draw attention to the vital role porridge has in their work in Malawi. World Porridge Day also sees the celebration of the vibrant competition to see who makes the best porridge in the world!

While World Porridge Day is obviously celebrated throughout the planet, this food holiday holds bigger importance in the United Kingdom, as it's considered one of the country's most elemental breakfast foods - like perhaps cereal to Americans.

World Porridge Day celebrates that healthy meal of crushed cereal, fruits and nuts in water or milk, adding up some fruits or perhaps even nuts - just as they can be sweetened with sugar, milk or even Nutella: every porridge bowl can be the definite proof of someone's breakfast creativity!

As a holiday, World Porridge Day was established by the Golden Spirtle World Porridge Making Competition, and besides the fun annual contest it provides, there's also a higher purpose behind it for others: the international charity Mary's Meals has a long-standing program on World Porridge Day, when they take the time to draw attention to their projects in Malawi schools. At schools in Malawi where Mary's Meals is working, each child is given a daily serving of likuni phala in a plastic mug; a sort of maize-based porridge meal.

These servings are actually among the strongest reasons that drive the children's parents to enroll them at these schools, since this means a strong meal for them - due to the poverty of their families, often these are the only nutritious meals the children will eat throughout the entire day.

Keeping this in mind, Mary's Meals encourages people around the world to take a stand on World Porridge Day and host a porridge breakfast at home or in their community - always a great way to start the day!

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