L.A Chef Wolfgang Puck Reveals Victoria Beckham's Favorite Food

For Wolfgang Puck, it's a common thing to feed Hollywood A-Listers. He has known for the man behind extravagant meals for Oscars after-party in the past two decades.

Back when the footballer was playing for LA Galaxy and lived in Los Angeles, David and Victoria Beckham paid regular visit to his Beverly Hills' Cut restaurant. He mentioned the two of them, having their own 'habit' when it comes to ordering foods.

The Hollywood chef commented positively towards David's attitude, which he described David as his 'talk and talk'. Apparently Puck did not think the same way about Posh Spice. Not holding back any thought, Puck later revealed that the 41-year-old fashion titan was 'uptight'.

Puck told Heat magazine that the Beckhams are straight diners with no party material. Puck who also prepared to cater for their 2008's arrival in L.A recalled how David's fancy of steak was in contrast to what's on Victoria's 'all about steamed veggies' plate.

Her choice of food, the celeb restaurateur reveals to prepare 'a simple plate of spinach, with just a touch of salt'. Former Spice Girl does not put a lot of smiles during dining occasions while husband, on the other hand, is talkative while slicing and enjoying his meat.

The Austrian-born chef continued his thought on Mrs. Beckham, stating, "Everything has to be right." Apart from that, Puck did share a good thing about Victoria, saying that her love for vegetables make it easy for him to prepare her meal. "She loves salad, so Victoria's easy." On the interview, Puck also mentioned about his 'smoked salmon pizza' as 'Sylvester Stallone's favorite'. Other Hollywood regulars include Charlize Theron and John Travolta.

Victoria Beckham just came back from Hong Kong to attend the newly opened VB store - promoting her fashion collections in the city.

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