Honey's Benefit on Overall Health

Although the bee-produced, sugar-rich golden liquid is far from what other people may consider "healthy", it actually is.

Honey is healthy, and it dishes out numerous benefits to the human body. Even the ancient Egyptians considered it a highly-valued commodity - jars of honey were found in a number of Egyptian tombs. They were stored in jars and were perfectly preserved. So, what is the secret behind honey's eternal shelf life and what can it do to the human body?

According to the National Honey Board, a tablespoon of raw honey contains 64 calories and is free of fat, cholesterol, and sodium. It is also composed of 80% carbohydrates, 18% water, and the rest are vitamins, minerals, and protein.

Its nutritional lineup may initially seem like a downer, but it has other reported health benefits that would make it a great pairing to your morning coffee and biscuits.

It gives a quick energy boost

Considering that a tablespoon contains 17 grams of carbohydrates and the sugar immediately enters the bloodstream, honey immediately gives you a boost of energy. This, in turn, makes it perfect during long, endurance workouts, and for keeping you awake early in the morning.

Honey helps get rid of allergies

Dr. Matthew Brennecke, a naturopathic doctor plying his trade at Rocky Mountain Wellness Center in Colorado, told Medical Daily in an email:

"A common theory is that honey acts like a natural vaccine.It contains small amounts of pollen, which if the body is exposed to small amounts of it, it can trigger an immune response that produces antibodies to the pollen. After repeated exposure, you should build up these antibodies and the body should become accustomed to their presence so that less histamine is released, resulting in a lesser allergic response."

There are no real studies supporting this, but it is a common belief within the medical circles.

It helps you sleep better at night

This golden liquid stimulates the release of two hormones, insulin and serotonin. The latter improves overall mood and happiness - technically, if you take in honey, you will literally be happy. The body then converts serotonin into melatonin, which is responsible for determining the length and quality of sleep. This makes honey perfect for insomniacs, or people who just want a good night's sleep after a stressful day.

Considering all factors involved, we can safely say honey is a must!

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