Donald Trump Sells Too Expensive Food: It is All About Mind Setting

Ever wonder why Trump Food Empire charges you more than you should pay? It's all about mind setting.

As early as 2014, researchers from Cornell University conducted a study for Experimental Biology showing customers who pay more at a restaurant buffet perceive the food as tastier than the same food offered at a lower price, shedding new light on the psychology of taste. This is the same mindset that customers have when they decide to try Trump's overly expensive food like the famous steak and wine!

Just recently, President Obama ridiculed Trump's products, though without naming the Republican, during two days of fundraising in the Republican state. After highlighting some of his own records Friday for a crowd of cheering supporters in Austin, Texas, Obama started in on Trump's steaks and wine.

He mocked Trump and said, "I mean, imagine what Trump would say if he actually had a record like this instead of selling steaks."

On Trump's overpriced wine, he asked the crowd "Has anybody bought that wine? I want to know what that wine tastes like. I mean, come on. You know that's like some $5 wine. They slap a label on it. They charge you $50 and say it's the greatest wine ever."

Clearly, Obama is saying that Americans are being ripped off by Trump's Food Empire and again, that's only simple mind setting for Trump who is a popular obscure American businessman.

Trump is a master showman who knows that he doesn't sell the steak: he sells his brand which is Trump!

Customer reviews of Trump's steak are so bad that you'll think it's a big joke. With Trump's various steak, burger, and hotdog "collections," which has a price range from $199 to $999, more than 50 percent were highly negative 1-2 star reviews. It's all about PR for Trump. Trump steaks on QVC reveals that Certified Angus Beef Burgers are branded as Trump Steak; unfortunately, the link now says "We're sorry, this item is not available at this time."

As to Trump's wine, it's still available on the market but you might as well heed the advice of President Obama of foregoing this huge rip-off!

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