Lactose-intolerant People Can Opt for These Foods for Calcium Boost

Dairy milk is healthy for the body but if you're lactose intolerant, you can opt for these calcium-boosts as an alternative for a more stomach-comforting.

Lactose intolerant means your digestive system has a problem in breaking down lactose. It cannot tolerate that natural sugar intake and causes you to experience bloating, gas and even diarrhea. So, where to get enough calcium? Gastroenterologist, Amy E. Barto from Lagey Clinic, explains how you can substitute your food choices and still supplement your body with the right calcium amount.

Milk without lactose

Milk opted from mammals contain high lactose. If you are used to eating cereals and milk in the morning, you can substitute your lactase-added milk with a healthier choice like milk from vegetables. Almond nut is a great type of food for lactose intolerance and loaded with calcium. Another option is to drink soy milk that contains 500 mg of calcium per serving. Other options include oat or cashew milk.


Figs are sweet in taste and regarded as one of the world's healthiest food. It is rich in calcium. One large fig for dessert contains 20 mg of calcium. You can mix it with your almond milk or other fruits for more nutrients. It's a sweet treat to lose weight!

Fermented cheese

Cheese is a dairy product with less lactose - which means, a small amount of it won't hurt your stomach. It is good to incorporate cheese as your daily nutrition because it is rich in protein and calcium. Opt for parmesan or blue cheese as these have a very little amount of lactose per ounce.


There's a lot of varieties of foods with calcium. The leafy greens like Kale or broccoli, for instance, have at least 180 mg calcium per cup. Our body soaks calcium from Kale more effectively than from milk. As a bonus, Kale is supplement-rich veggies with its vitamin A, C and K properties. It definitely builds up strong bones.

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