5 Science Backed Foods That Boost Immune System

Immunity is essential for a healthy and successful life. If we have impaired immunity, we lose our peak performance. Here are five foods that boost your immunity. Sit tight here we go.

Citrus fruits

These fruits contain vitamin C, and it tops the chart of foods that boosts your immunity level. Vitamin C helps to increase the production of white blood cells. Phagocytes are the white blood cells which protect the body by fighting against infections.

The body does not store or produce vitamin C. So it is highly recommended that your take daily intake of vitamin C.


It is hailed as an elixir of health. It has been for centuries because of its health-promoting properties. Garlic is rich in vitamin B1, B6, C, and iron. It contains phosphorous and alliin which gets converted to allicin. It is a major antibacterial component of garlic.

You can add crushed garlic to your vegetable stir fries or can spice up chicken.


Research studies say ginger helps to balance the immune system and restores its function. Ginger activates the T-cells which is an important part of the immune system. It supports body's natural defense against disease.

Ginger gives gastrointestinal relief and enhances cell death in ovarian cancer. Xenobiotics are harmful substances which can cause cancer. Ginger fights against them and makes them harmless.


It is rich in calcium, vitamin B2, vitamin B12, potassium, and magnesium. Yogurt is very famous for its probiotic bacteria. These boost the immune system and promotes digestive health.

Yogurt with active cultures fights off yeast infections in women. It reduces the risk of osteoporosis and reduce high blood pressure.


Nutrients found in the skin of almonds boosts the immunity. Almond skins improved the ability of the white blood cells to detect the viruses. It also prevents the viruses from replicating and spreading throughout the body.

It increases the immune system's ability to fight off a wide range of viruses, including cold and flu.

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