Top Weight Loss Friendly Foods on Earth

Not all foods are weight loss friendly. Certain foods are scientifically approved to aid in the process of weight loss. In equal measure, not all foods should be avoided in your quest for a slimmer frame, certain foods have been known to boost the body's weight loss.

1.       Eggs

That's right. Once feared by weight watchers all over, the egg is making a strong come back. The egg helps in weight loss because of its satiety properties. In a study conducted of thirty overweight women, it was proved that having eggs for breakfast instead of bagels increased the levels of satiety, making sure the women did not eat as much for the next 36 hours!

2.       Leafy greens

These leafy greens include spinach, swiss chards, kale and others. The greens are low in carbohydrates, calories and loaded with fiber. The leafy greens are a fantastic way to increase the volume of your meals, without increasing the calories.

3.       Lean beef and Chicken breast

Processed meat is unhealthy. However, unprocessed red meat does not raise the risk of heart disease or diabetes. In fact, red meat, according to a recent study, has no correlation with cancer in men and women.

Packed with protein, the meat can make you burn up to 80 to 100 or even more calories per day. Studies have shown that increasing your protein intake by 25-30% can reduce your cravings by up to 60%!

4.       Tuna

This low calorie high protein food is excellent for weight loss. It is popular among body builders and fitness trainers who want to stay lean and ripped. Go for tuna canned in water, not oil.

5.       Avocadoes

Most fruits are loaded with carbs. However, avocadoes have healthy fats. The fats in avocadoes increase up take of vegetables to 2.6 to 15 fold.

6.       Apple cedar vinegar

Popularly used in dressings and vinaigrettes. The vinegar, if taken with high carb meals, will increase feelings of fullness and is known to make people eat 200-275 fewer calories that day.

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