4 Reasons To Swap Gym Workout To Running Miles

Strength training at the gym may be great for workouts but running proves to have miles of benefits aesthetically and mentally. For those who are still wondering if running miles is better than a gym workout, here are reasons why.

Plenty of Vitamin D from sunlight

The major reason morning run is healthy is that the sun gives you plenty of vitamin D - an essential property for strong bones. Dr. Mercola said that sunlight exposure is nature's intended supplement of Vitamin D.

Running burns calories

If you are trying to create a calorie deficit, running is a high-intensity exercise you need to do.You don't have to run a marathon like Jenson Button or trying to survive one like Teri Hatcher, but after finish running a few miles, the calorie-burning process still goes on in your system. The post workout promotes weight loss because even when you are taking a rest, your body's elevated still. It fights off bellies, too!

It makes you happier

Apart of all healthy reasons, running can actually cure depression. It's amazing to picture the nature that's stress relieving and be physically part of it to enhance your life. When you run outside, you get the benefits beyond the indoor treadmill has to offer. A study from Experimental Technology found that due to the release of endocannabinoids when running - people can experience runner's high - the euphoric feeling as the fatigue is reduced.

You don't need equipment

Getting to the gym might require bag packing and 30-minute driving from home. When you go for a run, you get the benefit of starting immediately the moment you step out of your door. No mats or even dumbbells. You don't even have to commute. You'll spend less time on the street and more time working out. Plus, you don't need to swipe the membership card.

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