Fruits That Can Actually Be Dangerous to Your Health

Most fruits and vegetables are healthy and recommended for consumption. It is due to this knowledge that we have a tendency to think all fruits are good for our health - that as long as it's a fruit, it can't be unhealthy. Well, that assumption is wrong as there are a lot of fruits that actually pose a health risk to you.

Pomegranate seeds are delicious but a whole pomegranate fruit has around 39 grams of sugar. If you want to enjoy pomegranates then stay away from the whole fruit. Extreme moderation is the key to getting this fruit on your healthy diet list.

Cherries can be amazingly healthy in small doses, however, taking a 100-gram serving of this fruit contains 13 grams of sugar.


According to the USDA, one regular sized apple has a shocking amount of sugar in it ( 19 grams ). If you are on a sugar-free diet then you definitely want to tone down the number of apples you consume in a day.

Dried Fruit
Dry fruits taste as amazing as they do because they happen to have more sugar than raw fruit. A single cup of raisins contains over 434 calories.

Pineapples are great tasty fruits that are loaded with vitamin C, but, eating or drink too many can pose a health benefit as a single cup of pineapple chunks contain a whopping 16grams of sugar.

According to the USDA, one cup of grape juice contains 15 grams of sugar. Like every other thing on this list, grapes must be taken with moderation to prevent any health risk an overdose of sugar might incur

Mangoes are packed full with nutritional values, however, the sugar content in a single mango id averaged about 31 grams.

Broccoli has a lot of nutritional value but it has a tendency to cause bloating and excessive gas.

Do not make the mistake of striking these fruits off your diet, the fact that they are high in sugar does not mean they can't be eaten. It just means it must be eaten in moderation.

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