Easy Breakfast In Bed Ideas

Breakfast in bed is one of those concepts continuously associated with romance. No matter how much time passes, the idea of bringing breakfast to someone right in bed happens to be one of the most romantic things you can do any day, especially on a Valentine's Day morning.Here are few easy yet romantic breakfast in bed ideas you might want to adopt this Valentines Day.

Double-Chocolate Doughnut

A great breakfast in bed idea that would cure every sugar craving you have is a double chocolate doughnut. Sprinkle a little icing on it, serve it with a nice cup of orange juice and watch the smile spread across your loved one's face.

Sour-Cream Pancakes with Maple-Pecan Butter

Fluffy sour-cream pancakes with maple syrup are great fun treats to have in bed this valentine. Bring it to your loved one in bed with a beautiful red rose to show your love.

Maple Granola with Fruit and Nuts

A healthy mix, this homemade granola can be mixed with yogurt and syrup for an amazing healthy breakfast.

Fruit salad with plums

Add a bit of syrup to your fruit salad, place it in a small bowl and serve it along with a nice tall glass of juice.

Bacon hearts

Bacon strips shaped like hearts are a lovely touch to add to breakfast. Serve it with a side of eggs for a wholesome meal.

Waffles with banana & salted caramel sauce

A great breakfast to serve in bed is waffles and banana slices. Top this meal with a scoop of vanilla ice cream and syrup to ensure a great start to your morning.

Remember, dinner isn't the only romantic important meal you can have.

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