Several Reasons Why You Should Drink Coffee Everyday

For most of us, the mornings are meaningless unless we have a cup of steaming hot coffee. However, very few of us are aware of the health benefits of drinking coffee.

In fact, more than 18,000 studies have been undertaken during the last few decades to understand the health benefits offered by coffee. Findings of these studies have revealed that despite its somewhat bitter flavor, coffee contains several nutrients, which help to improve our mental health as well as boost memory and concentration.

While it is difficult to determine the amount of coffee that is optimum for health, as the size of coffee cups vary from miniature Chinese cups to almost beer mugs. Nevertheless, Joe Vinson from Pennsylvania-based University of Scranton, who is also a coffee expert, says that drinking about 2 to four cups (about 8 oz) of coffee every day offers maximum health benefits.

For instance, drinking 1 to 4 cups of coffee daily lessens the chances of developing dementia, Alzheimer's disease and even Parkinson's disease. Coffee contains antioxidants, which protect the brain cells, while enhancing the effects of neurotransmitters, Eating Well reports.

It has been found that drinking coffee frequently (about four cups a day) also helps to reduce the risks of type 2 diabetes. According to some scientists, coffee contains antioxidant compounds like cholorogenic acid and quinides, which may help in augmenting the sensitivity of the cells to insulin, thereby regulating the blood sugar levels.

Coffee is also beneficial for the health of our heat. Drinking this beverage in moderation (about 1 to 3 cups daily) helps to reduce risks of stroke, as the antioxidants work to suppress inflammation that have detrimental effects on our arteries. In addition, it is believed that certain compounds in coffee may activate nitric oxide, which dilates blood vessels, thereby lowering blood pressure.

Consumption of coffee also helps to protect the liver from cirrhosis as well as other diseases, especially in people who consume alcoholic beverages. This property of coffee is attributed to caffeine and antioxidants like chlorogenic and caffeic acids, which are also effective in inhibiting cancer cells, reports Huffington Post.

It may seem incredible, but a study undertaken by researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health have confirmed that consuming moderate amounts of coffee (one to two cups a day) can help to reduce suicidal tendencies in both men and women by roughly 50 percent. This is because coffee serves as a mild antidepressant and promotes production of dopamine, serotonin and noradrenaline - neurotransmitters responsible for soothing the brain.

Nevertheless, you need to remember that consuming coffee in excess amounts or overuse of caffeine may trigger make the heart rate faster, result in insomnia, anxiety and restiveness. In fact, if you drink coffee regularly and stop consuming it all of a sudden, it may result in withdrawal symptoms like headaches and irritability.

Watch the video on health benefits of drinking coffee below:

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