Chrissy Teigen Loves Taco Bell and Hates Nuttella; 16 Fun Food Facts About Our Favorite Girl

Chrissy Teigen may be one of the most famous and sexiest models today, but that doesn't mean she doesn't like food. It may sound unfair, but according to her, aside from her husband, singer John Legend, if there's one thing she loves most-it's food. If you can't believe it, go to her Instagram page, and see her display picture.

Yes, she was eating a popsicle yet still managed to look better than most of us.

Chrissy loves food so much and this love month, she wants to share with us that love through her announcement of her first food baby-her cookbook, Cravings.

If you think there's no way you could love this hilarious and talented personality, wait til you know 16 food facts about her that make her more adorable and admirable!

1. Chrissy is a legitimate chef. She went to a culinary program at the French Cullinary Institute, the same school where Bobby Flay went to! In an interview with Fashion etc., she says, "I want to be credible in the food world. I don't ever want to pretend like I'm a chef of any sort but I want to learn the basics and really get it down".

2. Her favorite restaurant dish 'ever' is Frank Restaurant's Lasagna Verdi.

3. When it comes to cheat fast food choice, she tells to Bon Appetit, Taco Bell, and the "Cool ranch DLT (Doritos Locos Tacos)" is her usual.

4. Every morning when she's at home with her husband John, she prefers to eat two over-easy eggs along with turkey bacon and avocado. "I can cook really complicated recipes, but it takes a real talent to do the perfect egg. John does the eggs," she told Bon Appétit.

5. Everyone has a Ben & Jerry's ice cream favorite flavor, and her's happen to be the Red Velvet Cake one.

6. Contrary to popular belief, Chrissy doesn't really work out all the time. "I work out very hard for a very brief period of time before a shoot. Maybe a week before and then never again until the next one (I don't condone this, just being honest here haha)," she wrote on Reddit.

7. She is a master of #FoodPorn posts on Instagram, and she gives us one advice she always makes sure when snapping her food, "My number one thing is when you're posting at a restaurant, and it's dark like a date night, food neverlooks good. Flash looks horrible, no flash looks horrible. It's important to only do food photos during daylight," she said to

8. If there's one food she's going cray about is John's fried chicken recipe. "It's just chicken wings soaked in Lawry's seasoned salt, water, and garlic powder, then shaken around in a bag of flour and shoved in the fryer. I eat them naked without hot sauce," she told Bon Appétit.

9. You probably won't believe it and call it bluff, but she hates Nutella. She tweeted, "Nutella is sh*t." Of course, even her fans disagreed, but they still love Chrissy more than ever.

10. Making Nutella fans more furious, she tweeted (LINK)that she thinks Bush's Baked Beans is better than the chocolate hazelnut spread.

11. She keeps a very tempting and carefully crafted blog where in she posts photos and original recipes. Visit So Delushious now!

12. Bet you didn't know that her nickname is 40 Nugz. Can you guess why? Chrissy's go to drunk food is 40 chicken nuggets from McDonald's.

13. Chrissy loves the spice, in fact, her go to condiment is sriracha. Maybe that's what makes her so hot.

14. She was one of the people who got curious and tried one of Alton Brown's unitaskers-the Rollie, and she was not impressed. She admitted calling it the "most useless thing" and said she only purchased it because she was drunk.

15. She honestly thinks that jalapenos are the most underrated pizza topping. Chrissy digs the additional spice, we see.

16. She will never get tired of eating ramen, she is sure.

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