Bet You Didn't Know That! 5 Surprising Benefits of Pineapple

When talking about pineapple, most people would only think about its fiber-enriched goodness (as advertised by your favorite pineapple juice brand) and not much else. But did you know that there's more to this prickly super fruit than its tummy-cleansing benefits?

Considered "heaven's fruit" after its introduction to Europe in the 1490's, the pineapple was once deemed as extravagant and exotic, and was only served to royals at the most prolific banquets. Thankfully enough, one no longer has to be of royal blood to enjoy its healthy advantages. Read on to find out more!

1. Serious about your New Year's resolution of keeping off the weight? A cup of pineapple chunks only has 82 calories, despite of its sweet attributes. That's less than half of the calories you get from a cup your favorite ice cream, which contains 207 calories.

2. It's an understatement to say that pineapples are a good source Vitamin C. Containing 130% of the daily requirement for Vitamin C for humans, it is one of the richest and tastiest sources of ascorbic acid. Vitamin C is your body's primary water-soluble antioxidant, defending all aqueous areas of the body against free radicals that attack and damage normal cells. No wonder your doctors tell you to have lots of it.

3. Pineapples also contain a huge quantity of copper, an important mineral that helps in the formation of healthy red blood cells. In addition, copper also aids in adding oxygen to various organ systems which, in turn, makes them function at optimal levels.

4. It turns out banana isn't the only great source of potassium. Pineapple also has impressive amounts of it! According to USDA, 100 grams of pineapple contains 109 mg of potassium, an essential element that functions as a vasodilator, which means it helps relax muscle cells and blood vessels to promote better blood circulation in the body.

5. Did you know that in some parts of Asia, the pineapple is used to reduce the inflammation of joints and muscles? This is because of the fruit's bromelain content, an enzyme which is primarily associated with breaking down complex proteins and helps in treating muscle injuries.

As if you needed more reasons to indulge in this powerhouse fruit, there are tons of recipes out there that you can follow make the most out of this superfood. Enjoy!

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