Dog Rescued From Hot Tar With Vegetable Oils [VIDEO] When Love And Hope Prevail

Dog Rescued From Hot Tar - It happened in Rajashtan, India that some rescuers from Animal Aid Unlimited got into a tender and heartwarming labor of love and hope to save a dog that had fallen into hot tar.

How it fell is not known nor his or her name. What is revealed, though, is that they found him covered in hot tar and the dog basically "turned into a rock," as The Huffington Post described it. The tar is actually used many times to build roads, or coating or preserving timber, so it is made to be resistant and get hard fast.

It definitely wasn't easy to do it, but the members from Animal Aid Unlimited in Rajashtan, India took care of rescuing the dog from the hot tar. How to take such a hard-converting liquid?

Well, according to CNN what they did was, "the rescuers spent hours massaging a large amount of vegetable oil into his body to loosen the tar, avoiding the use of kerosene because of its harsh effects on skin."

Already, for the care of human skin, creams and other products are made of vegetable oils due to the fact that they healthy and bring nutrients, as well. So, it looks like the same theory was employed for this dog who goes from being covered in hot tar and leaves attached to its skin, to later on after several hours of taking it off, he looks absolutely different.

At the end of the video, the dog is ridden from the hot tar, completely rescued really and plays with one of the volunteers. We can see that its natural color is a sort of chocolate brown and he or she is actually beautiful. Also, it looks wonderfully happy and joyful once again, like it should be.

Animal Aid published this video not only to show what love and hope can do, but also to receive more help, if possible.

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