Khloe Kardashian Posts Bible Verse As Response To Her Haters

Khloe Kardashian is turning to the Holy Bible to teach her haters a lesson.

Christian Post reports the 31-year-old reality star was fired with criticisms after she posted a "shameless bathroom selfie" after her workout. The Strong Looks Better Naked author responded with a rant that ended with a bible verse from the Book of John.

"The greatest part about miserable [people] is that they post all of this BS on your page. They attack with words behind their private pages," Kardashian wrote on Twitter. "So I click on their pages and their bios say 'believer in God', 'put God first' etc, but how is judging and spreading hate being a child of God? Being a child of the Lord means spreading love and uplifting one another."

She added an appropriate bible verse from John 8:7 saying, "let him who is without sin among you be the first to throw a stone."

"Why don't you drink your own kool-aid and uplift yourself," the Keeping Up With The Kardashians star continued. "Stop spending [your] energy hating on others. It's only destroying your own soul."

Kardashian has been posting numerous biblical passages on social media.

She even posted a photo of a page from a devotional book with a message saying, "You say 'It's impossible.' God says 'All things are possible with Me' (Matthew 19:26)."

Despite her good intentions, she was still bombarded with tons of hate.

"No matter what I post, there will always be people who have to spew out hate. Even when I post positive affirmations, sunsets, bible verses etc... I STILL manage to get bitter people commenting hateful things," Kardashian tweeted. "This is proof that no matter what you do you can never please everybody. So remember, always do what makes your heart smile."

She then added, "stay smiling my loves."

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