iPhone 6 Bendgate: Apple Finally Speaks Out About The Social Media Outcry Over New Phones

The new iPhone 6's Bendgate situation - the fact that the new generation of phones made by Apple, particularly the iPhone 6 Plus, has been shown to be flexible enough that the phones bend inside users' pockets - has finally been addressed by the Cupertino-based company, who has said that the iPhone 6 Bendgate has only shown to present issues with 9 users of the new technology.

The iPhone 6 Bendgate situation has been cause for concern in the company, but it hasn't been the only factor to worry Apple over the last few days: first, its newest software update, iOS 8.0.1, has been seen with fairly bad reviews after users of the platform (and particularly the new iPhones) saw a bug that kept them from using their devices properly; and, second, with the release of the latest iPhones also came the announcement that the latest U2 album, Songs of Innocence, was available for free download in the iClouds of every iTunes user across the globe ... a fact that didn't bode well with many users who didn't want it occupying space on their Clouds, which had Apple release a one-click tool to remove the album from iClouds everywhere, for those who didn't want to have U2's latest songs on their iTunes.

Even taking out those two factors, the iPhone 6 Bendgate wouldn't be the biggest problem in Apple: since last August, there has been a wide range of leaked celebrity nude photos, including female soccer star Hope Solo. All these leaks have reportedly come from users hacking celebrities' iClouds, a platform that has been proven unsecure in the face of willing hackers. This has become a major headache for the Cupertino-based tech company over the past few month, and then more recently as a second wave of leaks came into light.

The iPhone 6 Bendgate scandal is only the latest scandal for the company. Due to its flaky new policies, Apple saw a drop of 3 percent of its shares last Thursday, which amounts to almost $23 billion off its stock market value (the company is worth a total $170 billion).

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