The New 'Batman V Superman' Trailer Just Confirmed That General Zod Rumor And An Important Detail About Wonder Woman [SPOILERS]

It seems like DC and Warner Bros. have decided to just let everyone in on a little secret: Doomsday is the major villain in 'Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice!'

Earlier this year, the internet was abuzz with rumors that General Zod will be returning in 'Batman v Superman' as the DC character that allegedly killed Kal-El. Michael Shannon, who portrayed the Kryptonian baddie in 'Man of Steel,' had confirmed that the character will be coming back in 'Dawn of Justice' and even claimed that General Zod will have flippers in the film. Although the actor later admitted he was just joking about the character's hands, the news still managed to kickstart several theories about the movie.

With the release of the new 'Batman v Superman' trailer, Michael Shannon may have been joking about General Zod's webbed hands being untrue. The new teaser has just revealed that Lex Luthor (Jesse Eisenberg) had procured the Kryptonian's corpse and is planning to experiment with it. In the follow-up scene, Doomsday is seen leaping from an exploding building and shooting lasers from his eyes, just like what Zod discovered he could do in 'Man of Steel.'

Doomsday's appearance in 'Batman v Superman' isn't the only thing that was revealed in the new trailer. As the villain trains his heat vision at Batman, the attack is deflected by Wonder Woman (Gal Gadot). The scene offers a better glimpse at what was originally hinted upon in the SDCC trailer, where the Amazonian princess is seen thrown back by an enemy's powerful attack.

It was previously rumored that Wonder Woman would be fighting against Doomsday in 'Batman v Superman,' and that she managed to cut off his hand with her sword. Although footage of the actual battle has not yet been shown, it looks like it will be a fight to watch out for.

'Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice' will hit theaters on March 26, 2016.

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