Men Are From Mars and Women Are From Venus: New Study Says Otherwise

Most of us believed that generally, men are from Mars and women are from Venus. However, a new study revealed that if we based it on the entire anatomical structure of the brain, both sexes are the same, according to Timelive.

The researchers state that even though there were certain parts that depict the sex differences, it is rare for a brain to indicate all "male" traits or all "female" traits.

A mixture of different aspects usually comprises the human brain. Some of which are leaning towards women, some are common in men, and in other times common to both. The authors of the report say that this goes against the idea that brains can be grouped into two sex-based categories.

"It is a very popular belief, even among scientists, that brains have a male and female form. What we were interested in is looking at the entire brain," Daphna Joel, of the School of Psychological Sciences, and the Sagol School of Neuroscience at Tel Aviv University, said.

The measures they had to take in proceeding with the research involved taking 1400 MRI scans of brains. They focused their attention more on anatomy. Their research was published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

The tissue thickness and volumes of the different parts of the brain were analyzed by the researchers.

They fixated on characteristics that would depict the biggest sex differences. They divided the results into dominant male zone, dominant female zone, and intermediate range.

The scientists found that it is not ordinary for any brain to belong into any of these three groups. About 6% of the brains they studied could fall into one category. It is rather common for a brain to score both in the male and female categories.

In the end, the researchers came to a conclusion that "human brains do not belong to one of the two distinct categories."

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