Manhattan HIV: FBI Discovers NYC Dentist John Wolf Is Practically Evil Scientist, Knowingly Spreading HIV And Possessing Child Pornography

In a terrifying bit of news, a New York City-based and well respected dentist, John Wolf, has been arrested by the FBI on a number of horrific charges, including possession of child pornography and willingly spreading Manhattan HIV in the hopes of causing an outbreak.

Wolf, a former AIDS activist and a notorious dentist in the Big Apple, has now been charged with numerous accounts, each more terrifying than the next, including how he apparently kept child porn for himself besides trying to cause a Manhattan HIV epidemic by knowingly trying to pass the virus to unsuspecting people.

According to The Huffington Post, the frightening Manhattan HIV discovery came when the FBI was making a standard investigation that led to a much darker path, finding that the respected dentist had child pornography in his possession, besides trading his dental services for methamphetamine and even hosting wild sex parties where he'd try to spread the AIDS virus.

As The Daily Mail reports, while the dentist knowingly attempted to spread Manhattan HIV, it has come out that in fact, years back, he used to be an AIDS activist, even taking a fellow dentist to court over supposedly discriminating against people battling with this potentially deadly virus.

"After searching Dr. Wolf's home and office on Friday morning, federal agents found methamphetamine and a flash drive filled with 246 files, mostly child pornography, according to a memorandum filed by prosecutors," The New York Times reports, speaking of this creepy Manhattan HIV case. "He admitted to possessing child pornography, 'denied having sex with minors and indicated he was unwilling to discuss his drug use or distribution or whether he had drugged anyone unwillingly during sex.'"

A drug dealer who reportedly traded meth for dental procedures with the dentist also reported that Wolfhad shown him videos of child pornography, as more about this strange Manhattan HIV case comes out.

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