YouTube Channel Majestic Casual Has Been Terminated [VIDEO]

The popular go-to YouTube channel for music, Majestic Casual, has just been one of the latest victims to multiple copyright infringements against the video channel giant.

"The termination comes as a surprise for the long-standing channel that has promoted a mix of new and established artists over the years while generating millions and millions of views each month," reported Stoney Roads.

It was on Tuesday when the Majestic Casual YouTube channel was officially terminated, bearing a bright red bar on the now empty YouTube page that reads (photo here):

"Majestic Casual has been terminated because we received multiple third-party claims of copyright infringement regarding material the user has posted."

No one still has a solid explanation for the channel's termination, although it has been suspected to be "an accidental copyright claim" where YouTube reacted too quickly, or a movement from record labels.

Another theory is: "another YouTube channel purchasing licenses to a number of original tracks and filing copyright claims to take down Majestic Casual."

However, many think that the Majestic Casual channel will be back up again, since YouTube does like big content curators such as the music channel.

On the other hand, it will definitely be a big feat for the channel owners who will have to go through some serious obstacles to find victory in the end.

Not only that, but the Majestic Casual Facebook page also posted a simple yet revealing post on Tuesday, simply noting: "... sorry for this" with an accompanied video, as seen below:

According to Pile Rats, the Facebook post does suggest that the group behind the music channel will go quiet for a while in the meantime.

On the bright side, fans can still look forward to Majestic Casual's worldwide festival series, called MLIVE, which is slated to begin in 2016.

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