Restaurants Should Now Be Aware of the 'Bill Emerson Good Samaritan Food Donation Act'

There are many restaurants in the United States who have good intentions to help other people who are in need of food. Many know about a certain law that allows them to feed the hungry out of the food that they have in their establishments. But not all of them are aware of that specific law.

Lots of restaurant owners actually struggle whether they could or could not give some homeless people some soup kitchen left over food from their business. Some of them are even afraid that they could be violating something if they do so. A restaurant owner named Mike Rangel even said that, "As far as we know, we can't serve precooked food and donate it."

He is not the only one of who shares this sentiment as per USA Today's report. Most of them assume and are under the impression that left overs should be given to their staff at the end of the day or thrown away.

Now, to help restaurant owners solve this dilemma, they must become aware of the law signed by former President Bill Clinton back in 1996 called the Bill Emerson Good Samaritan Food Donation Act. This bill would help protect any restaurant owner who have the best heart in giving away any of their food to who they think needs it.

It is kind of crazy to think that this law has actually been there for almost 2 decades now and still a lot of restaurant owners are not aware of it. And since that is the case, they fear that helping people could actually cause them in trouble. It is not a good idea to waste food anyway, especially when it can still be eaten and when someone is really in need of a meal.

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