Star Wars: Mark Hamill Is Keeping A Huge Force Awakens Secret

Throughout the course of Disney and Lucasfilm's steady stream of Star Wars trailers, clips, and features, the question on nearly every fan's mind was: Where's Luke?

Mark Hamill, the star of the original trilogy has been confirmed to appear in Episode VII: The Force Awakens; but his presence in the run up to the film has been non-existent - save for that short scene in the trailers where a hooded figure with a cybernetic arm whom many believe to be Luke Skywalker, reaches out to R2-D2.

Earlier today, Hamill finally broke his silence on the secrecy behind his role in the film in a chat with PC Gamer. As expected, the actor signed a non-disclosure agreement that prevents him from divulging the movies' big reveal.

"I have something coming out where there's an amount of money where if it leaks, because of me, I don't get that payment," he said in the interview. "If I keep it a secret until the day it comes out, I get that payment. But I'm good about keeping secrets."

Previously, director JJ Abrams admitted that Hamill's absence from the promos was 'no accident', so whatever it is, expect it to be huge.

Later in the interview, Hamill talked about how he kept Darth Vader's relationship to Luke a secret for almost a year and a half.

"[Director Irvin Kershner] said, 'I know something I'm going to tell you, [Star Wars creator George Lucas] knows, I know, and I'm going to tell you. And if it leaks, we'll know it's you,'" Said Hamill.

He said he didn't even share the information with his own wife or co-star Harrison Ford.

It certainly seems like The Force Awakens has something big planned. To see it, we'll have to wait until it hits theatres on December 18.

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