The Preacher's Sin Debuts On Lifetime Would Be A Promising One

A new drama film is about to debut today via the Lifetime channel and it is going to unlock some reality that is happening inside a church that many would probably relate. The film is called The Preacher's Sin, which stars JR Bourne as Evan and Allie Gonino as Jamie.

The Inquisitr published the plot of this new film and it is basically about a preacher named Evan and the pressures behind his job. It would focus on Evan's life and all the drama surrounding his family, especially after his niece who lives with him was killed. As the story goes on, he will also find out that he has a son who is product of his one-night-stand a long time ago.

It is a timely film, especially now that there are a lot of preachers and ministers on the rise and are forced to live a certain way in accordance to the values and morals that there were placed as a standard for them. And it is not just them who is affected by certain standards because their children and basically anyone in their family is linked to their image. This means that any bad issues to them would result the preacher's negative impact to his congregation.

Most of the time, they are asked to step down or leave the job if they can no longer keep up with the rules. This movie is timely and relevant since most if not all religion would be able to actually relate to it. Many even now think that most churches just act like corporate businesses more than a place where they could worship God. The director of this film, Michelle Mower aims to show people reality through his work. Although it is not based on a true to life story, she said that it could be.

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