New Food Emojis Shortlisted by Unicode

Some new food emojis may soon be coming to your smartphone. The Unicode Consortium has just announced that 7 new emojis have been added to the list of candidates for release in Unicode 9.0, which releases in mid-2016.

These recent additions bring the total of shortlisted emojis to 74, following last month's initial reveal.

The organization stresses that none of these choices are final yet, so users might not want to get too attached to them this early.

"At this point, the characters for Unicode 9.0 are candidates-not yet finalized-so some may be removed from the candidate list, and others may be added. Names, images, and code points may also change, so these candidates are not yet ready for use in production systems." Reads the post.

Of the seven new candidates, five are food items: an egg, a glass of milk, a kiwi, a peanut, and perhaps the star of the show, a stack of pancakes.

They join the list of previously announced food candidates:

  • Croissant
  • Avocado
  • Cucumber
  • Bacon
  • Potato
  • Carrot
  • Baguette bread
  • Green salad
  • Shallow pan of food (paella)
  • Stuffed flatbread (kebab)
  • Clinking glasses
  • Tumbler glass (whisky)
  • Spoon

There are also some other food related ones being considered:

  • Clinking glasses
  • Whisky Glass
  • Spoon

The Telegraph has a detailed rundown of how exactly these proposals become full-fledged characters ready to be used on your phone.

It all begins with writing a detailed proposal to the Unicode Consortium explaining why the image is worthy. The group will then evaluate the proposition, often times sending it back to the 'sponsor' to be fine-tuned. The report says this process could last as long as two years.

Once an emoji passes this strict screening process, it is up to phone manufacturers like Apple, Google and Microsoft to create their own interpretation of the character based on Unicode's guidelines.

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