California Wine Grape Growers Have Record Harvest: Good News for Drinkers

For the second year in a row, grape growers in California have reported a record harvest. According to the California Department of Food and Agriculture as reported by the Fresno Bee; 4.23 million tons of grapes have been harvested, a large increase over last year's record harvest of 4.02 million. Such a large crop means great news for wine consumers, especially those who drink bottles toward the lower end of the price range.

A large crop means that bottles will fall in a more affordable price range while maintaining a high quality. Wines in the 10 to 15 dollar price range are in high demand, and wine makers are seeking to capitalize on that.

Many larger wine conglomerates are also looking to pass the savings on to you. The Wine Group, whose brands include Almaden, Franzia, and Cupcake Vineyards, also have holdings in Bronco Wine Co., the largest vineyard owner in California.

Bronco produces the legendary 2 dollar Charles Shaw for Trader Joe's. These steady sales have inspired other wine makers to follow suit, and produce their own 2 dollar wines.

There is some speculation on whether or not this increased demand for cheap wine has been influenced by the youngest generation overtaking the baby boomers in wine consumption. Either way, the market is growing, and with such a large crop two years in a row, it will not be surprising to see an even wider array of cheap wines for public consumption

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