Amazing Food Hacks You Wish You've Known Sooner

Preparing meals need not to be tiring and expensive. You can always enjoy each innovation that you try into your next platters. See this list of amazing food hacks and take your ordinary dining experience into a different level.

1. Use unscented dental floss to cut or slice cheeses, breads, cakes, doughs and even soft solid foods. Doing this will give you some perfect cuts and slices in less than a few minutes.

2. Grill a salmon or any fish fillet on a bed of lemons. This will not only save you time to scrape fillets off the grates but also will add some twist and tang into your grilled gourmets.

3. Apple slicer helps you make good cuts for some crispy wedges. Use this tool to help you speed up your french fry preps. Thus, your egg slicer can also do the job of cutting or slicing your strawberries and mushrooms in a snap.

4. Peel the ginger using a spoon. This lets you have a bigger and more 'beautifully peeled' ginger with zero waste. And take strawberry stems using a straw. Place one end of the straw to the pointed end of the berry, trying to line it up with the stem at the top. Carefully push through from bottom to top to hull your little red berries.

5. Your baking tools like the cookie cutters can help you make creative and fancy pancakes in no time. Your kids will surely love the variety and the art. Pancake pops can also do the trick.

6. Keep your ice cream soft and fluffy by sealing it on a 'ziploc' bag. With this, you keep it always as soft as when you open it first.

7. Make coffee, chocolate or milk ice cubes. Simply pour in the delightful beverage into the ice cube trays. Chill, serve and see how fun this could be, especially for the kids.

8. Frozen buttered herbs are hale and hearty. Lay your herbs into the ice cube molds and pour in some melted butter or oil. Toss it into the freezer and be ready to take it out each portion for future meals.

It's plain and simple especially when all you need is a dose of creativity. Your little efforts are surely worth it.

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