Acupuncture: Proven Effective on Reducing Neck Pain

Working in front of the computer for the entire day could cause severe pain in the neck. A new study reveals one way to reduce neck aches- Acupuncture.

According to, acupuncture, originated 2000 years ago and constitutes the health care system of China. It is practiced through the use of needles inserted into certain body parts. It's also comprised of Alexander Technique, a way that educates people about muscle tensions and how to prevent them through improve posture, coordination, balance and stress. Both of these methods complement each other and are effective in handling neck pains.

The purpose of the research is for the experts to notice how effective these two techniques would work together. The study was conducted by designating 517 participants who are experiencing neck aches , for at least three months or more to the standard neck pain treatment which includes prescription medications and physical therapy. Several participants undergo one of two additional procedures: a dozen 50-minute acupuncture sessions or 20 private Alexander Technique lessons.

After a year, the research reported that the patients who were assigned to do additional treatments experience lesser pain compared to those who were assigned to normal procedure. The participants noted to experience 32% decrease in pain in comparison with how they felt at the beginning of the study.

The result proves the effectiveness of acupuncture in treating neck pains which supported a review released in 2012 about a study done with 18,000 volunteers with chronic pain. Researchers demonstrated how acupuncture was better than standard care and sham acupuncture.

Jamie Starkey, lead acupuncturist at Cleveland Clinic's Center for Integrative Medicine stated, "Acupuncture manipulates the nervous system, activating the release of pain-relieving endorphins. Those medications (referring to steroid injections or prescribed medication) or injections have an anti-inflammatory effect on the body, but the acupuncture needles can do that naturally. That's really brought acupuncture to the forefront of people's minds and attention, and physicians are a lot more willing to refer their patients to an acupuncturist."

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