Why Did Gwendoline Christie Say Captain Phasma Is The Boba Fett Of 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens?'

The upcoming sequel 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' is filled with several new villains, like the fan favorite Kylo Ren (Adam Driver) as well as the "merciless" General Hux (Domhnall Gleeson). However, the only baddie who is still shadowed in mystery is the chrome-armored Captain Phasma, played by 'Game of Thrones' star Gwendoline Christie.

So who is Captain Phasma? The actress herself offered an interesting description about the villain.

"She is a Boba Fett-style character, which means she makes a lot of impact but she's not at the forefront of the action all the time," Christie told The Los Angeles Times of her character.

But does this mean that Captain Phasma is also a bounty hunter who is searching for Han Solo? Or is there a possibility that she is after one of Skywalker children?

Although Gwendoline Christie did not elaborate any further about the mysterious character, she did share that she wanted to be a part of 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' because of the effect the first films had on her when she was younger.

"I really wanted to be in 'Star Wars' because it had a special meaning to me," Christie admitted. "Being someone who never felt part of the mainstream, who always felt unusual, it felt like a world that I could inhabit in terms of my imagination and who I was."

However, getting a part wasn't easy. The star of the 'Hunger Games' admitted that she begged to be given a role in the highly anticipated movie.

"I became like a dog with a bone and was absolutely insistent: 'Please, please, please try to have me seen,'" Christie said. "Eventually they were worn down by my incessant asking."

Gwendoline Christie will also play Commander Lyme in the final installment of the 'Hunger Games' film series, which will premiere on November 20. 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' will hit theaters on December 18.

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