Know More About the Adults-Only Medicine from Singapore Frog Farm

The drink appears to be just a plain iced tea but on a closer look, it consists of the delicate inner parts of an American bullfrog. The female frog's fallopian tubes -- or more accurately oviducts -- are considered by practitioners of Traditional Chinese Medicine as an agent of stronger lungs and clearer skin.

According to a self-declared "frogologist" at Jurong Frog Farm, Chelsea Wan, recent interest has been increasing for the supplement in Singapore. Wan says that this is a big archetype shift from the old belief that hashima can only be collected from frogs living in mountains in the northern parts of China. Wan was also trying to recreate a tradition of the past for the future.

Traditionally, hashima originates from the Changbai Mountain wood frog, an unusual frog specie that sleeps for more than a hundred days. They're also recognized as snow frogs, which also gives hashima its other name as "snow jelly."

In the conditions of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the idea of the advancement of hashima as a result of breeding American bullfrogs for their meat is almost new. It contains collagen protein, which is very good for the skin and beauty. Hence, it's especially good for women, Jackson Wan says. It's cold and sensibly energizing, but it's also difficult to figure out which of the squishy chunks are the frog parts and which of it are boiled fruit.

The hashima consist of 18 kinds of amino acids, and helps to develop the blood circulation, skin complexion and most importantly, the immune system. It regulates the extent of cholesterol and reduces the risk of heart attack and high blood pressure and also functions to sustain and improve kidneys and lungs.

Meanwhile, Jackson says to keep them away from children. It's not recommended for kids due to the high level of hormones that can adversely alter the puberty process.

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