Visit the Bargain Shop That Helps the Poor People in the Community

Poverty is a big problem all over the world. World leaders come together to discuss solutions to eliminate poverty from their own countries, but as the problem is ever increasing, it becomes harder to solve. However, thanks to good people like a young businesswoman from Newquay, there may be hope.

According to an article in ITV, a woman from Cornwall is helping poor members of the community by opening a small store that sells supermarket food waste at a low price. The items she is selling are all the basic essentials that one person would need.

Bargain Brand Food Outlet opened five months ago by Charlotte Danks, 20 years old. She said that her store has pretty much anything and everything she can get her hands on. Most of her stocks come from big supermarket chains. Some of the items there can't be sold because of manufacturing defects like damaged packaging or incorrect labeling. For these reasons, the supermarkets just decided not to sell them. She said that her store is different from a food bank because people can choose anything that they want and its branded stock at a very low price.

She has fresh meat every week. Her stocks also have dairy, canned foods and even hair dye. However, her stocks change every week. This is because she also doesn't know which items are going to be rejected by the supermarket. Also many of her items are almost to the end of their sell-by date but still with the consume-by date. She explained that everything is perfectly fine, but the supermarkets need to get the items off the shelves and if she doesn't sell it, all of it will just end up in the land fill.

She gets her stocks from distribution centers where supermarkets get their supplies as well. She drives as far as Exeter and Bristol to pick up the items. Supermarkets call her and let her know what items are going to be picked up.

She tries her best to keep the prices as low as possible so that it will just be affordable for everyone. " I want to help the people in the community. Those who are out of work, so that they can also put food on the table and eat as well as everyone else", she added. People usually go to a bigger supermarket to check some items, but they come back as soon as they realize how much cheaper she sells her items.

Because of the success of her shop, she is now looking at opening two more to help other communities as well.

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