National Day on Writing: Writers Expressed Their Love For Writing Via Twitter

National Day on Writing has been the new Valentine's Day for writers around the world. As established by the National Council of Teachers, National Day on Writing has been celebrated by writers from all walks of life on October 20. It's a day to celebrate writing and its significance in our national life.

Motivated by a classic essay by George Orwell, Why I Write, in National Council of Teachers of English, the National Writing Project, New York Times The Learning Network, and the Teaching Channel invited all people in 2011 to tweet with the hash tag #WhyIWrite and share what their personal reasons why they write and why they love writing. It was a boom as netizens, and even famous adult writers such as Neil Gaiman and Diane Ravitch, were quick to respond positively and made the event successful. This has inspired the group even more to advocate writing and help the people see the need for it.

This year, the same group of organizations has again invited writers and enthusiasts to celebrate writing in all its varieties-through film, photography, graphics, journal, digital, etching, typography, calligraphy and so forth. They have requested people in communities to share their writing life via Twitter (again) with the memorable hash tag #WhyIWrite.

If you love writing, you might find yourself agreeing with these tweets favorited by the team, as featured by the Entertainment Weekly:

October 21, 2015:

@umairh: "#WhyIWrite if i didn't i'd go crazy. This way, you do."

@wagatme: "For every vulnerable piece I write, people tell me putting myself out there made them feel less alone and more understood #WhyIWrite"

@jakonrath: "#WhyIWrite People die. Structures crumble. Civilization collapse. But words are eternal.

@DebHarkness: "#WhyIWrite: to breathe, to dream, to feel, to walk in another's shoes + see through their eyes, to understand, to build a better world."

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