'Gotham' Recap: Firefly Makes Her Debut! Is Azrael Is Coming To Season Two With The Order Of St. Dumas? [SPOILERS]


DC's resident pyromaniac has finally made her debut in the second season of 'Gotham!'

The fifth episode, titled 'Scarification,' has just displayed the fire power of Michelle Veintimilla's Bridget Pike, proving that the gender swap made Firefly an even more effective villain.

In addition to giving Theo Galavan another excellent baddie to work with, the mystery behind Gotham City's new "savior" has also been revealed. It turns out that the Galavan family traces its roots from the Dumas line, and the Order of St. Dumas is out to destroy the Wayne legacy.

So it looks like 'Gotham' Season Two will be diving into Dark Knight lore straight away, as executive producer John Stephens admitted to Comicbook.com.

"We will be going deeper into the Order of St. Dumas over the next run of episodes, and it will continue to play an evolving role for the rest of the season," Stephens confirmed.

Of course, if 'Gotham' is going to feature more of the Order, it can only be expected that their most dangerous member will make an appearance soon.

"We wouldn't be telling an Order of St. Dumas story without also intending to tell an Azrael story," Stephens said. "Just keep watching."

But who is Azrael and how will he fit into the new 'Gotham' storyline?

Azrael is the name taken by several different assassins who were trained by a splinter group of the Sacred Order of St. Dumas. The renamed 'Order of St. Dumas' specialized in violence, killing their enemies and kidnapping geniuses they can exploit. In the Dark Knight mythology, the current Azrael becomes Batman's apprentice and eventually takes over for Bruce Wayne in the 'Knightfall' comic book.

If 'Gotham' Season Two introduces Azrael, there is a possibility that the assassin will not be Jean-Paul Valley, who is the Azrael that takes Batman's place in the comic book. It would be possible that the Azrael who will make an appearance is Jean-Paul's father, Ludovic Valley.

'Gotham' Season Two's sixth episode 'By Fire' will air on Fox on October 26.

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