Sweetest Dreams: Jelly Bean Scented Pillows are Now Available

Nothing brings back the nostalgia of childhood than the smell of candies and jelly beans is one of those candies that we cannot get enough of when we were but little toddlers. Now, you can dream of the sweetest dream with jelly bean scented pillows. Yes, you can drift to sleep with the smell of jelly beans filling your head and dreams.

As reported in Foodbeast, the sweet-scented pillows are now available for sale for those who want to drift to dreamland with the scent of jelly beans and childhood. The Jelly Belly jelly bean scented pillows come in different flavours. You can enjoy Tangerine, Cherry or Watermelon and you may order it from Amazon.

These fun pillows can also be bought from Costco so those who have membership, you may now head over and get these sweet treats. It was reported that customers have gone craze over this jelly bean scented pillows. The pillows come in a two pack for the low, low price of just $9.99. The jelly bean scented pillows are covered with an image of dancing Jelly Belly. The pillows are said to be soft, microfiber cover infused with a fun scent. The jelly bean scented pillows come in three colours: orange, red and green. Customers said that the pillows smell the real thing. Tempted now to head on to Costco?

As proof, shoppers can't resist the sweet scented cushions while strolling down the aisles. Costco has wisely wrapped the scented pillows in the traditional "for your protection" plastic and left a small hole just enough to tempt your nostrils of their jelly bean scent.

For those who do not have membership to Costco, you may want to browse Amazon instead.

This is not the first for Jelly Belly however. Jelly Belly has been knows to create scented products. The brand has already created jelly bean scented nail polish, bubbles and even school stationary. With this latest addition, it takes Jelly Belly to a brand new level.

Would you sleep in these jelly bean scented pillows? Let us hear your thoughts and leave your comments below.

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