Cara Delevingne Strikes Back At Richard Madden, Calls Him 'Desperate'

Model and actress, Cara Delevingne, strikes back at Richard Madden, who has recently called her viral interview at the morning television show Good Day Sacramento as 'unprofessional', according to reports.

The 23-year old 'Paper Town' actress will stop at nothing when it comes to getting an insult from someone she doesn't even know.

On Tueday, September 15, Delevingne sent her dismay on Twitter and directly tweeted the 'Cinderella' actor, saying "I have no idea who you are but I think it's little desperate for a grown man to be bad mouthing someone they don't know."

She went on saying, "If you really want attention that badly, try focusing on your own work and not other people's."

Besides directly expressing her disappointment to the actor, Delevinge retweeted a meme made by one of her fans, showing her side eye with a caption 'Richard, what's good?'.

The controversy rooted after the actress promoted her first major role in the movie, where she apparently encountered an awkward interview incident while aired live at the Good Day Sacramento show.

Following the incident, which made the interview clip go viral on social media, Delevingne stood up to defend herself while receiving a huge support from her fans. However, the viral interview clip did not sit well with Madden.

Aside from calling her ‘unprofessional’, Madden added that the actress should learn to be polite because it is part of the job and if she can’t exercise her good manners in the kind of industry that is actually far from the world of modelling, then ‘acting isn’t for her’.

“It made her seem ungrateful. She showed her age. For Cinderella I did six weeks of those interviews, where you get asked the same eight questions.” He said. “If you’re not capable of doing that gracefully, then don’t do it.”

While everyone is on the lookout as to how the actor will comment after receiving a striking messgaes from the actress, Richard Madden has yet to respond to Delevingne's tweets.

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