Iron Man 4 Cast: Robert Downey Jr. Asking Bigger Paycheck After ‘Captain America: Civil War’, Will Tony Stark Get FOURTH Stand-Alone Film?

Robert Downey Jr. is currently confirmed to reprise his role as Tony Stark in next year's "Captain America: Civil War" and two more films, namely "Avengers: Infinity Wars" part one and two, but there are still rumors regarding him joining a possible "Iron Man 4" cast, although nothing is confirmed.

The fourth film installment of the saga about the billionaire Marvel superhero is nowhere near confirmed, as not only is there no "Iron Man 4" cast signed up for the movie, but it's not even officially lined up as part of the upcoming ventures in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, which is about to enter Phase Three after the second one ended with "Ant-Man."

Now, according to Movie News Guide, updates about the "Iron Man 4" cast might take a while longer as Downey, currently taking the number one spot in Forbes' list of highest-paid actors, is asking for a pay rise for the film to go through.

Parent Herald reports that, although not yet an official part of the "Iron Man 4" cast, Downey recently spoke to Ellen DeGeneres on her show, and she asked him whether the movie was a go - and after answering with a lot of evasion, he finally admitted that it was a go, although he's still currently in negotiations with Marvel execs.

However, that was months ago and there's still no new word on the "Iron Man 4" cast nor is there any sort of confirmation, but now there's a new glimmer of hope regarding the superhero sequel.

According to People Magazine, the actor took to his social media to make a Labor Day post, placing a still from "Iron Man 2" and basically saying that, even during the holidays, his character Tony Stark never ceases to work - which many took as a sign of an upcoming film.

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