McWhopper 2015: Burger King Asks McDonald’s For Joint Peace Burger, Will Golden Arches Chain End Feud For Charity?

For decades on end, McDonald's and Burger King have been the biggest rivalry in the fast food industry, with both of them being the two biggest burger chains in the world and always competing for the same spots - but now, BK is making a peace offer through the McWhopper 2015.

It seems like enemies will stay enemies, as even though Burger King apparently offered its rival chain a true peace offer with the McWhopper 2015, the Golden Arches restaurants, currently going through the worst sales numbers they've had in more than a decade, is keen to continue their endless rivalry.

According to Adweek, the McWhopper 2015 offer started when Burger King purchased a full-page in two of the biggest newspapers in the United States, the Chicago Tribune and The New York Times, asking for a truce between the two companies in an open letter, saying they should create a burger to unite their staple burgers, Whoppers and Big Macs.

The Wall Street Journal reports that the McWhopper 2015 proposal saw the royal burger makers calling a truce for one day, September 21, also known as Peace One Day, in an effort that would see proceedings go to a non-profit organization that supports non-violence and global ceasefire.

From any angle, the McWhopper 2015 might be the smartest bit of advertising to come out of either one of these fast food chains, days after Burger King announced they currently had better numbers due to new marketing strategies and the reintroduction of one beloved menu item, Chicken Fries, a comeback that was reportedly thanks to popular boy band One Direction.

However, even though many hailed this as possibly the end of the Burger Wars, McDonald's disagreed; according to USA Today, the company's CEO Steve Easterbrook was quick to reply.

"We commit to raise awareness worldwide, perhaps you'll join us in a meaningful global effort? And every day, let's acknowledge that between us there is simply a friendly business competition and certainly not the unequaled circumstances of the real pain and suffering of war," wrote Easterbrook about the McWhopper 2015. "P.S. A simple phone call will do next time."

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