Phoenix-based Metal Band Okilly Dokilly Pays Tribute to Ned Flanders [AUDIO]

Ned Flanders, the Bible-toting, sweater-loving, do-gooder neighbor of the Simpsons has new fans in Phoenix, Arizona: metal band Okilly Dokilly. And they pay homage in a very unique way.

Donning Ned’s iconic preppy look, the band takes center stage as they play their tunes which they describe as “Not as fast as Bartcore, and a little cleaner than Krusty Punk. Not as heavy as Homer Jent. Nedal is a happy medium in the Simpscene.”

Being the world’s only “Nedal” band, their songs are also mostly direct quotes of the Simpsons’ favorite neighborino. Quirkily enough, all band members are also named Ned: Head Ned (vocals), Bled Ned (drums), Red Ned (keyboard), Thread Ned (bass), and Stead Ned (guitar).

So, how in the world did they come up with Okilly Dokilly? Head Ned shares that the band name was born this way:

“Myself and our drummer were in line at a grocery store, entertaining ourselves by coming up with really cutesy names for really hardcore, brutal bands. The name Okilly Dokilly came up and was very funny to us. We ran with it. I contacted a few friends, and here we are. Most of us have played in other bands around our hometown. This is definitely the heaviest sounding project any of us Neds have done.”

And since the band is but a month old, we are sure to get more updates on the band’s progress. Okilly Dokilly will be having its debut performance on September 5, so folks in the Phoenix area, brace yourselves!

The band also keeps itself busy watching The Simpsons and Futurama. Of course, they also find themselves "politely asking for the return of our power tools, usually with little success."

And to keep with the theme, yes, Okilly Dokilly is left handed.

Check out their demos here and tell us what you think about it:

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