Guy Gets Free Pizza For A Year After Starting Twitter Tiff Between Competing Companies [PHOTOS]

Most people have a lot to complain about their mobile phone network providers. But one British guy, who goes by the name of Dan May, saw an opportunity and hopped right in.

It started just last week, when O2 tweeted:

Dan May then replied, "@O2 Hungry #O2Priority customer requests pizza-related help at [address] #waggytails"

Somehow, O2 didn't come through with a pizza for Dan May. So when O2 came up with another offer, Dan attempted to test the waters again, but added a bit of rivalry by mentioning a competing network, Three.

Much like Dan May, Three saw a huge opportunity in the situation and jumped on it.

Probably surprised by the response, Dan replied:

For some reason, O2 then quickly started noticing Dan May and did it with a bang.

Then the rest was history:

True enough, O2 wasn't bluffing. Dan May was promised one free Domino's pizza every week for the remainder of the year.

Talking to the Metro, Dan admitted, "I couldn't believe it. I only sent out a couple of tweets and they both went all-out to compete against one another."

"It's a great marketing campaign, it really worked. I was really impressed with Three after being disappointed by O2 but they certainly won the customer back."

After the whole ordeal, Dan again tweeted about what had just happened. Although Three didn't ultimately win the Twitter tiff, they certainly still got the last laugh.

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