Paper Towns Movie - Unfolding into a Solid High School Story

Paper Towns will be a great high school movie, as it will linger in younger minds as well as those in adulthood. Paper Towns, directed by Jake Schreier from a script by Scott Neustadter and Michael H. Weber is about a young person's transition from childhood to adulthood which also an adaptation from "Fault in Our Stars", author John Green's bestselling novel. The cast are Cara Delevingne (Margo Roth Spiegelman), Nat Wolff (Quentin Jacobsen), and Halston Sage (Lacey Pemberton)

The story of Paper Towns starts as a romance, then turns into a mysterious yet ultimately a soulful road movie about friendship. The cast of Paper Towns got appealing and a promising premise, where a group of high school seniors embarks on an adventure to find their missing classmate.

The movie's plot sets in motion as a girl named Margo disappeared, and Margo (Cara Delevingne) who's got a precocious beauty is the kind of girl that gets picked up in a red convertible. The time Margo vanished, is where the movie lifts off as the high school seniors try to find her.

Quentin, called by her friends as 'Q,' is the far more appealing protagonist of the film. Nat Wolff character in the film is a loyal band geek who's in love with 'Q.'

Author John Green, stated, "What's sort of metafictional about this whole experience for me is I wrote this novel about how the way that we imagine the world shapes the world that we end up living," John Green also said, "And then I have this incredibly surreal experience of having all of these things that I'd imagined become visible."

The title of the movie Paper Towns, is a reference to a term of a cartographer for a fake place that exists only to catch copycat mapmakers. The Paper Towns central theme is how to learn to discern the authentic from the affected and the real from the idealized. And the problem is, the affection of Margo is her depth.

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