Bill Cosby 2015: Letterman And Seinfeld Disassociate, Hannibal Buress Reacts To Scandal – While Cosby Wants Constand Settlement Money BACK

The situation has become practically unbearable for Bill Cosby in 2015, starting last fall when Hannibal Buress' stand-up act calling the legendary comedian a rapist became viral, and a new wave of released court documents have put Cosby on the spotlight, as longtime celebrity pals quickly disassociate from the star.

Over the past few weeks, Bill Cosby's 2015 has turned into a real nightmare when court documents of previously sealed assaul cases became public, including a decade-old confession that he'd drugged women with Quaaludes to have s*x with them, and a testimony from years back speaking about Andrea Constand, a woman who accused him of sexually molesting her in tears, though the case was settled out of court.

According to The Wrap, after an extract of Cosby's deposition from Constand's 2006 case was leaked to The New York Times, the next Bill Cosby 2015 legal move is simple: his lawyers have filed further court documents saying that his money from that settlement should be returned, after Constand has publicly said she wants the full deposition released.

If she pursues this request, the comedian's lawyers will be demanding the money to be returned during Bill Cosby's 2015.

In the meantime, Gawker reports that reps for a number of comedy big names such as Jerry Seinfeld, David Letterman, Billy Crystal and Mary Tyler Moore have asked that their sponsoring of 2014 biography "Cosby: His Life and Times" be removed from sites like Amazon.

According to Business Insider, however, these aren't the only people speaking their minds about Bill Cosby's 2015 situation; months after starting this wave of scandal, Buress has broken his silence about Cosby, saying nobody could have predicted how much came from his comments back in the fall, and denying claims he's "a feminist hero," saying he's just "a decent guy."

At this point, even President Barack Obama has spoken against Cosby, and one of the comedian's last supporters, Whoopi Goldberg, has recently taken a new stand against Bill Cosby in 2015.

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