Apple Receives Class-Action Lawsuit From Employees

The lawsuit against Apple about employees demanding for compensation for the time taken in checking their bags was finally granted class action status, as decided upon by the U.S. District Judge in San Francisco William Alsup. The case was first filed back in 2013 by two former workers of the tech company.

Two former Apple employees Amanda Friekin and Dean Pelle argued that they should be paid for the time spent in the daily searches which are off-the-clock. Though the screenings are intended to discourage theft, the act is demeaning and embarrassing for workers especially when done in front of costumers. The bag searches are made during meal breaks and every time the sales representatives leave the store.

The complaints were directly addressed to Apple CEO Tim Cook, who later then asked the human resource management if it was true.

Now that the case has been given a class action status, the complainants will be able to present their side as group, giving them a high chance of winning the fight. Apple will be facing a lawsuit from its own employees who are number over 12,000, including Friekin and Pelle.

Apple rarely receives lawsuits from its employees as it is known to promote loyalty among its workforce. Now, the appearance of this issue will definitely affect the reputation of the tech company.

The highest earning smartphone maker tried to stop the case from being labeled as class-action, explaining that not all store managers conduct bag searches.

The multinational company added that even if screenings are made, it only requires little time so compensation is not necessary. Many have reacted and felt disappointed with the company's argument against the compensation asked by the employees. According to the accusers, 10-15 minutes are added to their shifts.

As written in the lawsuit, employees are only fighting for their benefits. Paying them for their overtime hours will not bring a rich company like Apple down.

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