Bobbi Kristina Brown Update: Second Hearse Arrives After Mysterious White Tent Spotted Outside Hospice Facility [PHOTOS]

The mood around Bobbi Kristina Brown’s hospice center in Atlanta was dark as a mysterious white tent popped up by the back door and a hearse was photographed pulling up to the scene.

The mysterious white tent was set up at the hospice center, blocking all views of the surrounding area. A hearse was seen backing into the tent so nobody on the outside could see what was being loaded into the back.

The 22-year-old's family did not comment on her condition as the photos emerged, nor would Peachtree Christian reveal the reasons behind the white tent.

However, it appears that the center may have constructed the tent to protect the privacy of other patients' families, since Bobbi Kristina's aunt Pat Houston was seen visiting late Wednesday night, according to video obtained by TMZ.

Family members of Bobbi Kristina Brown gathered amid fears she might have taken a final turn for the worst and is close to losing her five-month battle for life.

Her friends and family were looking sad and heartbroken as they were spotted arriving at the facility, causing speculation that they had come to offer some last bit of love before Bobbi passes away.

Little is known about what happened to Bobbi Kristina on the day she was found facedown and unconscious in her bathtub on January 31, but on July 12, her boyfriend Nick Gordon, was served with a $10 million lawsuit, accusing him of causing Bobbi “substantial harm” after punching her in the face, as well as controlling her finances while she was in a medically-induced coma.

After months of hoping for any kind of recovery, Bobbi Kristina's family realized she would likely never wake up. They then moved her to hospice care, giving her a chance to pass away peacefully.

A source tells US Weekly: “He has been telling friends that all he wants is to see Bobbi one last time to say his goodbyes. He’s very depressed and has been crying everyday.”

A second hearse arrives at the facility and Bobbi's supporters fears that this might be the final hours of a tragedy that started months ago.

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