Talk Show Host and Comedian Jimmy Kimmel has just released a new instalment of his popular "Lie Witness News' video series on his show's official Youtube channel. In the new episode, Kimmel's crew takes to the streets of Los Angeles to ask passers-by their opinions on some very funny (and very fake) 4th of July news stories.
Some of the hilarious fake headlines include the rescheduling of the 4th of July to February because of wildfires in California, President Barack Obama holding a confederate flag burning ceremony, and Donald Trump saying that Mexicans can only celebrate Independence Day every four years. Be sure to take notice of the names of the Founding Fathers mentioned throughout the video because we're pretty sure James Van Der Beek and Alex P. Keaton aren't on the Declaration of Independence alongside Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, and Benjamin Franklin.
As is usually the case on these video segments the respondents ate it up, believing every word and trying to pretend they actually knew what was going on! It's surely one of the more memorable 'Lie Witness" segments released. So be sure to check it out here. We wonder what George Washington would think of these answers?