President Obama Was Interrupted By An Undocumented Trans Heckler During His LGBT Speech At The White House

President Obama was in the middle of his delivering speech when a heckler interrupted him at the White House. The President shut the heckler down and asked the security team to remove her from the mansion.

Wednesday night at the White House, President Obama was delivering an address about civil rights for LGBT when a transsexual Mexican woman started yelling. The woman was identified as Jennicet Gutiérrez

Gutiérrez yelled that she is a trans woman, undocumented immigrant and tired of the abuse.

The President asked her to stop shouting, but she kept on doing it.

Obama said, "Hold on a second I - OK, you know what? No no no no no. You're in my house."

Obama tried to continue on his speech again but  was interrupted once more by Gutiérrez. Then the crowd in the room started booing.

Then Obama said,  "'You know what? It's not respectful when you get invited to somebody... You're not gonna get a good response from me by interrupting me like this. I'm sorry."

He further retorted, "Shame on you! You shouldn't be doing this... Can we escort this person out? Come on. You can either stay and be quiet, or we'll have to take you out."

The President then cleared that as a "general rule," its okay with him to be interrupted by some heckler but not inside his house, the White House.

Then Gutiérrez started once again by shouting "Release all LGBT detention centers," then shushing sound from the crowd responded to her.

Angela Peoples, director of the GetEqual LGBT activist group who is a friend of Gutiérrez explained in the Daily Mail the real intention of the scene. She claimed that it's just part of the plan they just want to draw attention so the people, especially President Obama will pay attention to the urgent crisis that transgender women are held in detention centers.

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