People Who Eat Processed Food are Angrier, More Irritable

The food that people eat have a direct effect on one's state of mind. It can even change one person's wellbeing. Findings of a new study out of Oxford University in the U.K., which revealed that processed junk food consumption can lead to aggression, irritability, and even violent tendencies.

Consistently poor diet contributes to more than just high blood pressure, cancer and diabetes. It actually affects who we are. With all the attention on salt and sugar being bad for the health, consumers have forgotten about trans fat.

Researchers from the Journal of Health Psychology studied the diets and behaviors of 5,000 men and women. They found that a higher intake of trans fat was significantly tied to an increase in aggression and irritability.

Previous studies have linked trans fat to heart disease, infertility, cancer, type 2 diabetes, liver problems, and obesity so avoiding it is a good move for health and mood.

Trans fat was previously been linked to depression.

Research also linked mood swings to over consumption of sugar-loaded foods. It is not only white refined sugar that comes under this category but all refined carbohydrates and oils.

Some food do not only lack of nutrition, but they give too much energy and too quickly, like sugar. Sugary food can give the body a sudden burst of energy, but then leave someone feeling drained hours after.

After the sugar is burnt up, the sugar levels in the blood drop and the low blood sugar triggers the release of certain chemicals in the body which results to mood swings.

Over the past years, the government have noticed the increase in heart risks and a lot of it is contributed by the food that we eat.

The Food and Drug Administration has ordered food companies to phase out artificial trans fats, describing them as a 'threat to public health.'

The truth is it's still out there and the only way to really tell if a product contains trans fat is to check the ingredient list.

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