Shoppers Caught On Film As They Wrestle Over Cheap Food!

A group of shoppers were caught on camera as they wrestle in the supermarket over cheap food..

Shoppers were scrambling on the floor when the Tesco Extra store in Northampton placed their marked down chicken and meat on trays at around 7 pm.

Johnny Lester caught all the commotion at the Weston Favell Shopping Centre on camera.

The 32 year old witness said on Mail Online, "you could not get anywhere near the counter,' he said. 'Apparently this happens every night. There was a little girl you can see in the video and I thought "if this kicks off" she is going to get hurt."

He also added that there are a lot of shoppers involved in the incident. "They were literally climbing over each other and pushing in just to get some reduced chicken. They were like scenes you see at refugee camp in Africa, not in 21st century Britain."

As for Lester, after witnessing the devastating scene, for him, Tesco should think of different ways of displaying their cut off priced items to avoid a more chaotic scene.

MP Tony Clarke, who is a member of Northampton Green Party commented about the horrific video, wrote, "Welcome to Northampton UK, in the world's sixth richest economy" he added, "families are so desperate that they scramble around on the floor wrestling for cheap food whilst being treated by store staff like scavenging dogs."

He also suggests that Tesco should find better ways to stop people fighting over food.

A spokesperson from Tesco confirmed that they are conducting an investigation so it won't happen again. He also added that the safety of the consumers is very important for them. He also ensures that they are trying new ways to handle their surplus food for the convenience of their customers.

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