Bristol Palin Miley Cyrus: Sarah Palin’s Daughter Calls ‘Wrecking Ball’ Singer Hypocrite Intolerant

A new set of Bristol Palin Miley Cyrus comments have shown that the daughter of 2008 GOP vice-president candidate Sarah Palin isn't buying the singer's supposed approach on tolerance, claiming the former "Hannah Montana" star is being hypocritical in her words when she slams Christian lawmakers.

According to People Magazine, Bristol Palin's Miley Cyrus comments came after the 22 year-old pop star was the recent cover of Paper Magazine, in a photo shoot that has risen a lot of eyebrows - but that's not the problem Palin has with the singer's most recent appearance.

Bristol Palin's Miley Cyrus comments came through the activist's Patheos blog, as she pointed out that Cyrus, who claims not to be judgmental, recently referred to Christian lawmakers as "insane" - thus, says Palin, giving out mixed signals as to what should one be judgmental about, as it supposedly doesn't apply to Christians.

"Is it just me or does it seem more than a little fake that someone claiming to be accepting of everyone and everything would spew such judgment towards her own parents and their deeply held religious beliefs?" writes Bristol Palin on Miley Cyrus. "She wants everyone else to let her be 'free to be Miley,' but seems unwilling to offer the same respect to her parents and those who wish to live out their Christian faith."

Prior to Bristol Palin's Miley Cyrus comments, Sarah Palin's daughter has been outspoken in the past about her own confrontations with intolerance, particularly when she became pregnant during her teenage years.

As Us Weekly reports, Bristol Palin's Miley Cyrus comments aren't the first time the famous daughter takes aim at a major celebrity, as earlier this month she slammed "Girls" actress and creator Lena Dunham over the press treatment of the Duggar scandal as opposed to the Golden Globe winner's widely publicized inappropriate comments about her past in her book "Not That Kind of Girl."

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