Lost Memories Caused By Amnesia or Dementia Can Now Be Reactivated

Precious memories can now be reactivated in patients who have dementia or suffer from amnesia. Recent studies conducted at the Picower Institute for Learning and Memory at Unter say that lost memories can now be retrieved. Their experiment using a mouse made them release such findings.

Daily Time Gazette got a hold of biology professor and head of the RIKEN-MIT Center Dr. Susumu Tonegawa, as he explained what they have discovered. Tonegawa said that amnesia happens not because of the deletion of all the memories in the brain, but rather it is due to the flaw retention recovery in which grey matter trauma is to blame. The team used a mouse to come up with this study and they have successfully observed that the memories lost could be regained by going deep into the issue of the brain.

Meanwhile, Independent Online Scitech said that light is a factor that helps in retrieving the memories lost due to dementia and amnesia. Scientists are adamant on their observation saying that the memories that were deemed lost are actually still deep in the brain cells and their study using a mouse have shown it. They used several experiments with the mice, which includes a style called "Optogenetics." Light is needed in this experiment for the activation of some nerve cells in the brain. Through it they saw that the mice were able to recall the memories they lost.

Times of India said that other things were also done with the other mice to see more difference and results of their studies. Some chemicals were involved like anisomycin and they were given to the other mice to trigger amnesia and other brain related problems. After this, the team applied their method of trying to cure it.

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