Morgan Freeman Marijuana: [+REPORT] Oscar Winner Stands Firm Amidst Debate In Legalization Of Marijuana

Morgan Freeman Marijuana stance remains firm as the Oscar winner defends the legalization of Marijuana despite fights to approve it. Morgan Freeman Marijuana advocacy comes after he met a car accident in 2008 that broke his left arm, shoulder and elbow, and Marijuana is the only thing that relieves him pain.

In an interview with Daily Beast last week, the 77-year-old Hollywood actor made candid claims about why he moved out of New York, his new film, "5 Flights Up," and how Morgan Freeman Marijuana stance become severely strong.

"Marijuana has many useful uses," Morgan Freeman told The Daily Beast. "I have fibromyalgia pain in this arm, and the only thing that offers any relief is marijuana. They're talking about kids who have grand mal seizures, and they've discovered that marijuana eases that down to where these children can have a life."

"How do I take it? However it comes! I'll eat it, drink it, smoke it, snort it," Freeman said.

"That right there, to me, says, legalize it across the board."

Morgan Freeman, Marijuana user for a long time admitted how the drugs have had helped him ease the pain brought about by the car accident. The 77-year-old actor also confessed that it was his first wife, who taught him about the use of the drug.

The actor also explained that he supports legalization of Marijuana because unlike alcohol that has only negative effects, Marijuana has many health uses. Morgan Freeman Marijuana stance will not change his belief with the drug that unlike alcohol that "has no real medicinal use."

For Morgan Freeman, Marijuana must be legalized no matter what. Freeman referred the legalization as a "long time coming, and it's getting legs - longer legs."

Freeman is amongst the many celebrities, who support Marijuana legalization in the country. Morgan Freeman Marijuana stance follows Whoopi Goldberg, Susan Sarandon, and even Dalai Lama who all believe that the drug must be permitted for medical purposes, the Think Progress reported.

Marijuana was permitted to be used both for medicinal and recreational purposes in four US states - Washington, Oregon, Colorado and Alaska. However, other 12 states are only allowed to use it for medical purposes.

For Morgan Freeman, Marijuana must be legalized for medical use. Until today, the "5 Flights Up" actor stated that he can't still make use of his left arm fully and is still experiencing pain. But Marijuana alleviates the pain.

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