Free Cone Day 2015: Celebrate Spring With Ben & Jerry’s Free Ice Cream TODAY! [PHOTOS]

Every year, in the early days of spring, ice cream giant Ben & Jerry's celebrates one of the coolest food holidays out there, celebrating the meal they master with the Free Cone Day 2015 - where anyone all over the country can go to one of their shops to ask for delicious free ice cream!

In the past few months, Food World News has reported on the different unofficial holidays honoring some of the most delicious or even nutritious foods, including pizza, Nutella, frozen yogurt, porridge, pancakes and even beer - not to mention the very important World Health Day last week - and now, it's Free Cone Day 2015 at Ben & Jerry's!

According to CS Monitor, the Free Cone Day 2015 follows a long tradition in the ice cream chain, as this year marks the 36th year they host it - and, in short, participating stores in the United States and the rest of the world will be giving out small and delicious ice cream cones on the house.

The offer goes from noon until 8pm, so if you were planning on having ice cream for breakfast you'll be fairly disappointed - but ice cream for lunch sounds equally enticing!

Of course, Ben & Jerry's Twitter page has been all about Free Cone Day 2015 today, posting a number of sweet posters for the day as people all over the country get in line to get a free cone of this delicious ice cream brand, just as the weather begins to grow a little hotter - just saw that people can have ice cream without completely freezing!

Now-Here-This reports that there's a new addition to the holiday on Free Cone Day 2015, as the people at B&J are also encouraging people to join the climate justice movement as they push the Save Our Swirled campaign across, too.

The Huffington Post published an awesome map to which B&J locations are participating in the Free Cone Day 2015 - don't miss it!

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